The presence of iron and manganese in the water is closely related. Although these metal ions are not harmful to the human body, their high concentration causes the water to turn yellow and cloudy. It is an even more serious problem if iron- and manganese-contaminated water enters the network.
Iron and manganese compounds that precipitate in the pipeline system allow the establishment of microorganisms that can even cause significant deterioration in water quality, so the removal of these metal compounds from the used water is a top priority for water quality. According to the limits permitted in the European Union, drinking water may contain a maximum of 0.2 mg/l of iron and a maximum of 0.05 mg/l of manganese.
The development engineers of AQUAPROFIT Co. have developed an efficient, economical and reliable system that can guarantee water safety in accordance with the strictest possible regulations.
The innovative IMR System can provide a state-of-the-art solution for filtering metal ions in a way that integrates well with any system.
Thanks to the flexibility of our technology, the filtration modules and water purification systems of the Aquaprofit IMR System ensure reliable iron manganese removal of used water in many parts of the country.
- Drinking water safety permit
- Size range to suit customer needs
- Possibility of automatic PLC control in case of individual control valve design
- Easy to install, assemble, well scalable components
- Design, fitting, piping according to individual needs on request
- Natural water source
- Volume flow: 2-160 m3/h
- Filtration speed: 5-12 m/h
- Operating pressure: maximum 6 bar
- Water temperature: maximum 40 °C
- Heves Micro-Regional Drinking Water Quality Improvement Program II. design and implementation of a water purification and water supply system (Heves, Kömlő, Pély)
- Northern Great Plain Region Drinking Water Quality Improvement Program Design and implementation of a water purification and water supply system for the implementation of Phase I (Bihartorda, Csökmő, Darvas, Mezősas, Nyíradony, Pocsaj / Esztár)
- Northern Great Plain Region Drinking Water Quality Improvement Program Design and implementation of a water purification and water supply system for the implementation of Phase I (Hajdúnánás, Ebes)
- Design and implementation of a water purification and water supply system for the implementation of the Northern Hajdúság Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Görbeháza, Hajdúdorog, Hajdúnánás-Tedej)
- Carrying out the planning and implementation tasks of the Upper Bácska Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Baja, Dávod, Hercegszántó, Bácsalmás, Gara, Tataháza, Érsekcsanád, Nemesnádudvar, Madaras, Csávoly, Kunbaja, Bácsbokod, Érsekhalma, Hajós, Felsőszentiván)
- Design and implementation of a water purification and water supply system for the implementation of the Kalocsa Environmental Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Solt, Dunatetétlen)
- Design and implementation of a water purification and water supply system for the implementation of the Tiszazug Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Cserkeszőlő, Csépa, Martfű, Öcsöd, Tiszaföldvár)