Drinking water supply is the most sensitive and important area of the water industry. Security of supply and health adequacy are fortified around strict legislation in this area, rightly so.
The drinking water provided in Hungary, in the framework of public services, is also of excellent quality in international comparison. At the same time, a significant part of the drinking water networks in Hungary was built many decades ago, and it became timely to modernize a significant part of the systems.
Network losses in obsolete piping systems are close to 50% in many places.
This means that almost half of the purified healthy drinking water introduced into the system does not reach the consumer, it is wasted due to leaks from the networks.
An additional concern is the vulnerability of older networks. Failures of obsolete systems, especially main pressure lines, not only jeopardize security of supply but can also cause significant additional damage to local infrastructure (eg. roads). And then there was no mention of deposits in old pipelines, the critical level of which also degrades water quality.
Our engineers and specialists provide reliable solutions to all these problems within the framework of our service package, which provides the full implementation of the reconstruction design, official licensing and construction of drinking water networks.
According to the needs of our partners, we prepare the authorization plan documentation for the given network, we participate in the conduct of the authorization procedure and in the acquisition of the necessary permits for its implementation.
We are also ready to prepare the construction design documentation, and on the basis of this we will carry out the construction and / or reconstruction of the drinking water distribution network together with the construction of the necessary junction structures.
During the construction, we use trenching or no-trenching technology or a suitable combination of them according to the on-site conditions and customer needs.
- expert support
- full implementation
- modern technologies
- professional knowledge and efficiency
- 25 years of experience
- construction of water network
- reconstruction of existing networks
- Tiszazug Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Tiszazugi Drinking Water Quality Improvement Association, 2017)
- Felső-Bácska Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Felső-Bácskai Drinking Water Quality Improvement Association, 2015)
- Northern Hungary Region Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén Regional Drinking Water Management Association, 2016)
- South Heves Drinking Water Quality Improvement Project (South Heves Drinking Water Quality Improvement Association, 2015)
- Drinking water quality improvement project around Kalocsa (Local Government Association for Drinking Water Quality Improvement around Kalocsa, 2015)
- Replacement of the asbestos-containing drinking water main in the micro-regional settlements of Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county I.-II. pace (Borsodvíz Zrt., 2016)